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Chapter 1: The Land and the People


  1. geologist - a scientist who studies the origin, history, and structure of the earth

  2. mineral - a natural substance that is not of plant or animal origin (ie. gold, silver, lead)

  3. silt - fine particles of earth found at the bottom of lakes and rivers

  4. glacier - a large mass of ice that moves very slowly down a mountain or through a valley

  5. geography - the study of the earth and its plant and animal life

  6. unglaciated - not covered by glaciers

  7. moraine - a mass of boulders, stones, or other materials that has been carried and deposited by a glacier

  8. quartzite - a rock formed by the compression of sandstone

  9. butte - a hill that rises sharply and has a flat top

  10. infinite - having or seeming to have no limits; endless


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