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Chapter 14: Cold War and Good Times


  1. consolidated - a public school that is formed by joining other schools together

  2. expansion - the act of increasing in size, number, or amount

  3. juvenile - characteristic of children or young people

  4. merge - combine two or more into one

  5. offensive - designed for an attack

  6. pilotless - without one who flies or is qualified to fly an aircraft or spacecraft

  7. polio - a disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells in the spinal cord, often resulting in paralysis

  8. poverty - the state of being poor

  9. protest - to object strongly

  10. satellites - man-made objects or vehicles intended to orbit the earth, the moon, or another heavenly body

  11. tourism - traveling for pleasure

  12. vaccine - a shot given to produce or increase immunity to a particular disease


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