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Chapter 16: South Dakota in a Global World


  1. analyze - to study something closely

  2. consolidation - to join together into one whole

  3. controversial - causing arguments

  4. demography - study of population changes and the impact on society

  5. diplomacy - work of keeping up relations between the governments of different countries

  6. dominance - great influence over all others

  7. drones - aircrafts without a pilot that are controlled by radio signals

  8. efficiency - quick, accurate performance of a task

  9. ethanol - type of fuel which is made from grains such as corn

  10. exert - to use or put into action

  11. exported - to send to another country to sell

  12. federal - having to do with the central government of a country

  13. finance - management of money or other resources

  14. frivolous - of little importance

  15. imported - to bring in from another country usually for selling

  16. irritable - easily bothered or angered

  17. precision - very accurate measurement or operation

  18. psychology - study of the mind and of the ways that people feel and act

  19. Recession - downward turn in business activity

  20. tolerant - willing to accept or respect what is different in others

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